-for sale-
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Jupiter 511 open hole, B foot, in-line G flute. Fully restored, excellent condition. Beginner-intermediate level instrument, ideal for middle and highschool students. $375 (for sale) |
Yamaha 87D French Horn just ultrasonically cleaned. $4750. (for sale) |
Jupiter Model CEF-510 Capital Edition Flute, with gold lip and Eb roller. Like new student level instrument. $395 (for sale)
-previous repairs, restorations, cleanings etc.-
Extremely rare Wm. S. Haynes flute #7420. Closed hole, C foot with open G#, c# trill, B-C trill. Professional or collector level instrument, fully restored. $2250. (sold) |
Jean Baptise silve plated flute. Student level instrument with offset G, C foot, like new. $150. (sold) |
Vito Reso-tone 3 Clarinet after clean, oil, and adjustment. With Selmer HS* mouthpiece and Rovener 2 dark ligature. $200 (sold)
Conn 6D, one of the early Eastlake horns. Beautiful condition with smooth tight valves. $1800. (sold)
Gemeinhardt Model CW wood piccolo, SN# 1188. Fully restored professional level instrument. $850. (sold)